Главная / Святая Земля / Русская Палестина после 1917 года / Palestine Order in Council, 1948. (на английском и русском языках). |
Авторский канал видео путешествий Павла и Ларисы Платоновых - Israel with Paul and Laura на английском языке
Святая Земля. Река Иордан. От устья до истоков. Часть 2-я
Святая Земля. Река Иордан. От устья до истоков. Часть 1-я
Святая Земля и Библия. Часть 3-я. Формирование образа Святой Земли в Библии
Святая Земля и Библия. Часть 2-я. Переводы Библии и археология
Святая Земля и Библия. Часть 1-я Предисловие
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Протоиерей Георгий Митрофанов. "Трагедия России: «запретные» темы истории XX века в церковной проповеди и публицистике" Полемика, отзывы
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Палестина под властью христианских императоров. (326-636 г.г.) По Альфонсу Курэ. С.Петербург. 1894 год. X. Свв. Савва и Феодосий. XI. Св. Савва и император Анастасий. До 528 г.
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Британский указ, опубликованный в апреле-мае 1948 г., касающийся русской недвижимости
Legislation enacted and Notices issued which have not
been Gazetted
(Period egth April-14 May, 1948)
Price 31
Owing to conditions prevailing in Palestine, it has not been practicable to publish the Palestine Gazette since the issue of Gazette No. 1666 of Wednesday the 28th April, 1948. To meet this difficult an Order of the High Commi«ioner under the Palestine Order in Council, 1948, was enacted on the 29th April, 1948, which dispensed with the legal necessity for Gazetting certain legislation and notices, leaving the manner of their publication to be decided by the High Commissioner. This Order and the legislation and notices to which it applies (other than legislation and notices which it proved possible to Gazette) are printed in this volume.
4 th May L.B.Gibson. Attorney General.
(Note.—Numbers 1-36 of the Table of Contents were
included in the original print of this collection. Numbers 37-42 are now printed in this Edition for the first time). PALESTINE ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1948.
In exercise of the powers vested in him by the Palestine Order in Council, 1948, the High Commissioner has ordered, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—
(Gaz:17.2.48) 1. This Order may be cited as the Orthodox Palestine Society (Administration of Properties) Order, 1948. (Constitution of the Board and its duties) 2. The persons named in the Schedule hereto shall as from the date of this Order be constituted into a body corporate with perpetual succession having its own seal, to be known as "The Board of Administrators of the Properties of the Orthodox Palestine Society" (hereinafter called "the Board") and shall — (No.38 of 1926) (a) administer all the properties belonging to, or in the possession of, or held in trust for, the Orthodox Palestine Society (hereinafter called "the Society") in whatever name such properties may be registered; (b) receive all rents and revenues whether due, or to become due, of such properties and apply the same, after payment of the expenses necessary in the opinion of the Board for the preservation and maintenance of such properties whether in Palestine or elsewhere, for the purposes for which the Society was established, as set forth in the Statutes of the Society, and generally for the benefit of the Society as the Board may in its discretion from time to time determine; (c) generally, and subject as hereinafter provided, do any act, matter or thing with reference to such properties which may be necessary or expedient in due course of administration. (Power of the Board) 3. The Board shall have power to sue and be sued in its corporate name and to let, lease, mortgage, charge or otherwise encumber the properties mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 for the purpose of improving any land or interest therein or of borrowing, raising or securing the payment of money or otherwise for the benefit of the Society. 4. Such moneys as shall not be applied directly for the purposes mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 shall be held or invested by the Board in any manner in which trust property may be invested under the laws of Palestine for the time being in force. 5. The Board may delegate all, or any of, the powers conferred upon it by this Order, to any body or person or to the holder for the time being of any office to be appointed on such terms as the Board may from time to time determine, and may at any time terminate such appointment. (Filling of vacancies) 6. Any vacancy due to the death, incapacity, resignation or refusal to act, of any member of the Board, shall be filled by the continuing member or members who, notwithstanding such vacancy, may act pending the filling of the same. (Proceedings) 7. The Board shall act by a majority of vote» of its members, and a majority of such members acting in pursuance of a resolution passed by such majority may exercise all the powers hereby, conferred upon the Board: Provided that a unanimous resolution of all the members of the Board shall be required for the purpose of— (a) leasing or letting any of the properties mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 for a period exceeding three yean, or mortgaging, charging or otherwise encumbering such properties, or (b) delegating all or any of the powers of the Board in pursuance of paragraph 5 hereof (Rules.) 8. The Board may make rules for— (a) calling of meeting» of its member» and regulating the proceedings thereat; (b) conducting the business of the Board and the Society; (c) regulating the finances and accounts of the Society and prescribing the books and the forms in which such accounts shall be kept; (d) generally, for carrying out any of the purposes or provisions of this Orders (Transitory provisions. No. 31 of 1926.) 9. Any action, claim or proceeding by or against, and any debt due to or by, the Administrator, appointed by the High Commissioner under the Administration of Russian Properties Ordinance, 1926, shall, as from the coming into force of this Order, be deemed to be an action, claim or proceeding by or against, or a debt due to or by, the Board, as the case may be. Name of the Society. (No. 31 of 1926) 10. For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared, that the Society is also sometimes known, and in the Administration of Russian Properties Ordinance, 1926, was referred to, as the Palestine Orthodox Society. (Repeal. No.31 оf 1926. No 5 of 1936. No. 29 of I938.) 11. The Administration of Russian Properties Ordinance, 1926 (as amended by the Administration of Russian Properties (Amendment) Ordinance, 1936, and the Administration of Russian Properties (Amendment) Ordinance, 1938), is hereby repealed SCHEDULE (Paragraph a).
1. Basil Antipoff
2. Serge Staroskobky 3. 3. Asvif Wahbeh. By His Excellency"s Command,
Chief Secretary. 28th April, 1948.
Выборочный русский перевод документа Британского указа, взятый из статьи СЕРГИЕВСКОЕ ПОДВОРЬЕ,
Покидая Палестину, Британские высшие органы власти выработали статуты и учредили Бюро Администраторов ( Order in Council )
/Текст опубликован в „ Official Gazette “ April 28, 1948/: «....на основании Палестинского закона, принятого в Совете 1948 года, Верховный Комиссар приказал, и настоящим приказано нижеследующее: 1). Настоящий указ может быть именован в ссылках как Указ об управлении имуществом Православного Палестинского Общества 1948 года. 2). Перечисленные в приложенном при сем списке лица будут организованы, считая с даты настоящего Указа в объединенное учреждение с постоянною преемственностью, имеющее свою собственную печать и будет именоваться: «Дирекция Администраторов имуществ Православного Палестинского Общества» ( Board of Administrators ) ... и оно будет а). управлять всеми имуществами, принадлежащими Православному Палестинскому Обществу... или находящимися в его владении или состоящими у него, как доверенное имущество, на чье бы имя таковыя имущества ни были записаны; б). получать все арендные платы и доходы... в). ...выполнять всякое действие, решение или дело в отношении таковых имуществ, что будет считаться необходимым или удобным на протяжении управления... Список (к п.2)
1). Василий Антипов 2). Сергей Староскольский 3). Ассаф Уахбе. По приказу Его Превосходительства
H.L.G. Gurney Главный Секретарь 28 апреля 1948» PALESTINE ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1948.
(Gaz: 27.2.48,) In EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Article 3 of the Palestine Order in Council, 1948, the High Commissioner has ordered, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—
(Citatica.) (No.33 of 1944) 1. This Order may be cited as the Widows" and Orphans" Pensions Order, 1948, and shall be read and construed as one with the Widows" and Orphans" Pensions Ordinance, 1944, hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance". 2. In this Order "the appointed day" has the same meaning as it has in the Palestine Act, 1948, of the Imperial Parliament. 3. The provisions of section 43 of the Interpretation Ordinance, 1945, shall have effect as respects the Ordinance as if the Ordinance had been amended by this Order. 4. The contributions to the Fund of every contributor which have not ceased before the appointed day, shall cease on that day, and thereupon such contributor shall cease to be a contributor for the purposes of the Ordinance and there shall be paid to him out of the fund- (a) the amount of all his contributions to the Fund; (b) the amount of all the contributions of the Government on his behalf; and (c) compound interest on the said amounts ; and no pension shall be payable to any person in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance by reason of the death of such contributor if such contributor dies subsequent to the appointed day: Provided that if the contributor is an expatriate officer and, on the appointed day, he u on leave or on secondment and is not to the extent to which it in any way affects or relates to the Society or any of the properties hereinbefore mentioned or the rents or revenues, or the administration, thereof.
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